Imagine that you are in a coaching session with a new client, and you ask them, “Tell me about your life?
98% of clients don’t have the capacity to answer this question.
The negative, disserving, unnecessary consequence when a coach lacks the CONTEXT of understanding the client’s life is MORE TIME spent and MORE PAIN experienced.
It doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why the best coaches use the best tools to support and accelerate the coaching process.
12:38 Start: “The difference…
13:53 End: “Safe”
S4 E12 - Maurice Thibodeau
Watch the full interview here:
Visit for more resources on coaching and living on purpose.
In the past, when I've been faced with this question, it used to send a punch of fear and a spike of pressure that made me want to run for the hills.
Without a clear answer to that question, it left me thinking:
I think the reference to “purpose” as being the one thing that we were put on this earth to do, is limiting, not all that helpful, and can harm our progress to living it. I want to offer a different perspective.
I believe that the experience of living with purpose is one that takes...
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