Find Flow & Activate Purpose


Three Of My Greatest Learnings In Personal Transformation

In 2018, on my 38th birthday, I made a major life decision, ending a 12-year career in business and corporate growth.   
Leading up to that decision (and living in that decision) has pushed me to face fears and limiting beliefs that I was living with and didn't even know existed.
This interview describes how I came to meet and train with a man whose presence, heart, and training helped me discover the deeper truth of who I am and what I am made of (which is a huge part of how I help entrepreneurs and business leaders today). 
I share three of the greatest lessons I am grateful to have learned, and John explains how and why this change occurs. 
Meet John Tozeland

In my interview with John, we cover:
  • My three greatest learnings from John and his work with an explanation of how I got here:
    1. Trust my intuition. (Time Stamp 3:03)
    2. I am not my fears or my limiting beliefs. (Time Stamp 7:26)
    3. Life is energy and how that energy leads us to our highest purpose. (Time Stamp 12:42)
  • What exactly is the practice of Hypnotherapy, and how it guides rapid personal change and transformation. (Time Stamp 19:41)
  • An overview of his upcoming training (early bird ends this week Oct. 16th, 2020). (Timestamp 24:20) 

Total Time Of Interview 28:40. 


Click Here To Learn More About John's Training Options 

John also said he is happy to be contacted directly with questions: [email protected]


Finding Your Own Blindspots, Fears, and Limiting Beliefs with the Life Inventory Assessment: 

The Life Inventory Assessment is a tool that has been proven to help illuminate the limiting patterns that are working as saboteurs against you.

Typically these non-serving patterns are outside of your awareness (blind spots), and the cause is from unconscious limiting beliefs and fears you made since before you were an adult. 

The assessment highlights where and how these saboteurs are impacting your life, and it is one of the main items that the assessment coaching review looks to reveal for you clearly. 

Click To Access Your Life Inventory Assessment


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