Imagine that you are in a coaching session with a new client, and you ask them, “Tell me about your life?
98% of clients don’t have the capacity to answer this question.
The negative, disserving, unnecessary consequence when a coach lacks the CONTEXT of understanding the client’s life is MORE TIME spent and MORE PAIN experienced.
It doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why the best coaches use the best tools to support and accelerate the coaching process.
12:38 Start: “The difference…
13:53 End: “Safe”
S4 E12 - Maurice Thibodeau
Watch the full interview here:
Visit for more resources on coaching and living on purpose.
These 4 saboteurs account for 90% of the reason why we don’t do what’s best for us, the first two are external, the last two are internal, and they are all interrelated:
Saboteur #1. Information Overload & The Paradox Of Choice: we are living in an era of abundant information, ask Siri or Alexa, type in where you want to go or what you want to know, and pages of answers magically appear. Information comes from everywhere at an alarming rate.
For example, according to an article written in Forbes in 2018, “over the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was generated.” It went on to say that “2.5 quintillion bytes of data” were being created each day.
We also enjoy the freedom of abundant choice. We, for the most part, are the designers of our life, from who we hang out with, what we eat, wear, live, and believe in. We have choices to make in every...
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