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Defending The Great Nation Of You

A story about the saboteurs of a great nation and what one ruler did to protect it.

The following story invites you to take on the role of the central character, a ruler of a great nation that is amidst an attack.
There are two versions of the story (each provided below), which ruler best describes you?

Act I - losing ground


Imagine you are the ruler of a great nation, you are under attack, you stand to lose your land, your rulership, and everything you’ve built a lifetime creating.  


You are hurried, you are under attack, and it's up to you to decide how to respond, your main line of defense is currently under siege, and losing ground quickly.  


On the ground, your enemy seems to be swarming from EVERYWHERE.  All angles are compromised, time is running out, soon there will be nothing left. There is too much to take in; you can’t possibly weigh all outcomes.  


You feel ...

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The 4 Saboteurs in the KNOWING-DOING GAP

These 4 saboteurs account for 90% of the reason why we don’t do what’s best for us, the first two are external, the last two are internal, and they are all interrelated:   


Saboteur #1. Information Overload & The Paradox Of Choice:  we are living in an era of abundant information, ask Siri or Alexa, type in where you want to go or what you want to know, and pages of answers magically appear. Information comes from everywhere at an alarming rate.  


For example, according to an article written in Forbes in 2018, “over the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was generated.”  It went on to say that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were being created each day. 

We also enjoy the freedom of abundant choice.  We, for the most part, are the designers of our life, from who we hang out with, what we eat, wear, live, and believe in.  We have choices to make in every...

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