Find Flow & Activate Purpose


Hard Time

Hard Time

A caring group of people is going through a hard time right now. I wrote this thinking about them.

Hard Time

When the world you know is shaken so abruptly that you lose trust in the vision of the future -- this is a hard time.
During a hard time, it takes your entire being to process it.
During a hard time, you can’t see the deep learnings and the hidden opportunities --these lessons of resilience haven’t revealed themselves yet, and you can’t trust the future right now.
Acknowledge the realness of your pain.
Acknowledge the width of the swath taken from your world.
Find safe spaces and places.
Find ways to say what needs to be said and learn what needs to be learned.
Let the water from your eyes give way to clarity and self-compassion.
Be cautious of the darkness of anger.
Anger is a disease disguised as truth.
Acknowledge it, and learn from it.
It's there to protect you.
But if you let it stick around for too long, you will miss its lesson, and you...
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