Find Flow & Activate Purpose


The Secret To Creating Powerful Life Visions

Welcome to the FUTURE...

I offer you a deep-dive perspective on vision and goal theory, and reveal what I see as the secret to being able to set and connect with the vivid images of your ideal future; while, at the SAME time, not be ATTACHED to the outcome

It seems like an oxymoron—right?  

The Secret To Creating Powerful Life Visions

How do we allow ourselves to see and believe in a future, while NOT being attached to it? 

Much theory in goal achievement supports the essential function of FOCUS.  To manifest our future, we want to bend time, blast ourselves into that future, to see, feel, hear, taste, and touch its reality. The more clearly we can enhance and embody that picture, the more likely it is to manifest.

BUT, how do we create this crystal clear picture, while NOT being attached to how it turns out?

Doesn't it stand to reason that we protect ourselves from disappointment and failure by merely ALLOWING...

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