$297.00 USD

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Assessment With Video Coaching Review

A video delivered directly to you based on the story that your life map reveals.


  • Interactive Life Map.
  • Life Insights Report - an 80+ page downloadable report to review, reflect, and come into radical awareness with your life.
  • Video Life Mapping Coaching review.
  • BONUS: NEDERA Guide Book for Healthy Emotional Processing (value $37).

 Benefits you will receive:

  • Know where to focus your energy to create more flow and ease.
  • Get specific, actionable recommendations on where to grow.
  • Receive knowledge on how to process emotions in a way that is healthy and safe.

About your Coaching Review:

  • A video spoken directly to you, based on your specific results and LIA Life Map.
  • Direct insights into the 4 life elements impacting your fulfillment (engagement, commitment, capability, and emotional state).
  • Delivered conveniently to your inbox for you to review in your own time when it works best for you.

A cost-effective and quick way to get personalized insight.

*NOTE: Prices are in US dollars due to the international client base served.   

You may be working with a coach or therapist who has chosen to bring this life review into their process with you. That is fantastic. After you receive your video review, we recommend sharing it directly with your coach and using it to enhance your work together.